Lighting Industry in India

Lighting Industry in India 2015

Report ID: Netscribes 320 | Number of pages: 70 | Publish Date: Apr 2019 | Category: Semiconductor and Electronics
 latest market research report titled Lighting Industry in India 2015 analyses the
Indian lighting market into four broad dimensions, based on applications, technologies,
geographies and end-market structures. It tracks the domestic production of different lighting
equipment, such as lamps, LEDs and luminaires. Incandescent lamps dominate the non-LED
lighting market, followed by CFL lamps and other fluorescent lamps. However, the market for
incandescent lamps is shrinking, as people migrate to more energy-efficient and cost-effective
sources of light. This is strongly reflected in the urban lighting usage pattern, where the share of
incandescent lamps has shrunk to just one-fourth. In terms of growth, the Indian LED lighting
market has outpaced non-LED lighting market by over four times and holds the most potential.
Today, the Indian lighting market has evolved and offers specialized products such as moodenhancing
lights, LED candles and decorative lights.
Since the opening of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in retail, the lighting market in India has
seen the entry of several international players. On the other hand, domestic players have
expanded their presence throughout the country. The growth in Indian lighting market has
been fuelled by the increase in disposable income, growing consumption in rural segment, rise
in organized retail, boom in real estate sector, changing lifestyle of consumers, increasing
availability of credit, improvement in rural electrification and the growing population. However,
players are also facing challenges such as competition from unorganized segment, depreciation
of Rupee and rise in energy costs, lack of consumer awareness about energy-efficient lighting
and high import dependency.
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Slide 1: Executive Summary

Macroeconomic Indicators
Slide 2: GDP at Factor Cost: Quarterly (2011-12 - 2014-15), Inflation Rate: Monthly (Jul 2013 - Dec 2013)
Slide 3: Gross Fiscal Deficit: Monthly (Feb 2013 - Jul 2013), Exchange Rate: Half Yearly (Apr 2014 - Sep 2014)
Slide 4: Lending Rate: Annual (2011-12 - 2014-15), Trade Balance: Annual (2010-11 - 2013-14), FDI: Annual (2009-10 - 2012-13)

Slide 5: Classification of the global lighting market

Market Overview 
Slide 6: Indian Lighting Market - Overview, Market Size and Growth (Value-Wise; 2013-2018e), Domestic Production (Percentage-Wise; 2010-2013), Segmentation of non-LED Lights (2013)
Slide 7: Lighting Market - Types of Lights, Non-LED Lights -Market Size and Growth (Value-Wise; 2013-2018e), LED Lights -Market Size and Growth (Value-Wise; 2013-2018e)
Slide 8: Rural and Urban Usage Pattern of Lighting Products
Slide 9: LED Lighting - Value Chain

Slide 10: Export of Lighting Products - Overview, Total Exports (Value-Wise; 2012 - Apr-Aug 2014), Country-Wise Exports Segmentation (Apr-Aug 2014, FY 2014)
Slide 11: Export of LEDs - Overview, Total Exports (Value-Wise; 2012 - Apr-Aug 2014), Country-Wise Exports Segmentation (Apr-Aug 2014, FY 2014)
Slide 12: Import of Lighting Products - Overview, Total Imports (Value-Wise; 2012 - Apr-Aug 2014), Country- Wise Exports Segmentation (Apr-Aug 2014, FY 2014)
Slide 13: Import of LEDs - Overview, Total Imports (Value-Wise; 2012 - Apr-Aug 2014), Country- Wise Exports Segmentation (Apr-Aug 2014, FY 2014)

Drivers & Challenges 
Slide 14: Drivers & Challenges - Summary
Slide 15-25: Drivers
Slide 26-29: Challenges

Government Initiatives
Slide 30: Published LED Standards
Slide 31: Regulatory Stakeholders - LED Initiatives
Slide 32: Government Support for LED Industry in India

Slide 33: Trends - Summary
Slide 34-36: Key Trends

Competitive Landscape
Slide 37: Porter's Five Forces Analysis
Slide 38-42: Competitive Benchmarking (FY 2013)
Slide 43-62: Major Public Players
Slide 63-87: Major Private Players

Strategic Recommendations
Slide 88: Strategic Recommendations

Slide 89: Key Ratios Description
Slide 90: Sources of Information
Macro Economic Indicators
1. GDP at Factor Cost: Quarterly (2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14)
2. Inflation Rate: Monthly (Jul-Aug 2013 - Nov-Dec 2013)
3. Gross Fiscal Deficit: Monthly (Feb 2013 - Jul 2013)
4. Exchange Rate: Monthly (Aug 2013 - Jan 2014)
5. Lending Rate: Annual (2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12)
6. Trade Balance: Annual (2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13)
7. FDI Annual (2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13)

Market Overview
1. Indian Lighting Market - Market Size and Growth (Value-Wise: 2013 - 2018e)
2. Lighting Market - Domestic Production (Percentage-Wise: 2010 - 2013)Market Structure of Organized and Unorganized Players (2013)
3. Lighting Market - Segmentation of Non-LED Lights (2013)
4. Non-LED Lights - Market Size and Growth (Value-Wise: 2013 - 2018e)
5. LED Lights - Market Size and Growth (Value-Wise: 2013 - 2018e)
6. Rural and Urban Usage Pattern of Lighting Products

1. Non-LED Lights - Total Exports (Value-Wise: 2012 - Apr-Aug 2014)
2. Non-LED Exports - Country-Wise Segmentation (Apr-Aug 2014)
3. Non-LED Exports - Country-Wise Segmentation (FY 2014)
4. LED Lights - Total Exports (Value-Wise: 2012 - Apr-Aug 2014)
5. LED Exports - Country-Wise Segmentation (Apr-Aug 2014)
6. LED Exports - Country-Wise Segmentation (FY 2014)
7. Non-LED Lights - Total Imports (Value-Wise: 2012 - Apr-Aug 2014)
8. Non-LED Imports - Country-Wise Segmentation (Apr-Aug 2014)
9. Non-LED Imports - Country-Wise Segmentation (FY 2014)
10. LED Lights - Total Imports (Value-Wise: 2012 - Apr-Aug 2014)
11. LED Imports - Country-Wise Segmentation (Apr-Aug 2014)
12. LED Imports - Country-Wise Segmentation (FY 2014)

Drivers & Challenges
1. Total No. of Household (2005, 2015e, 2025e)
2. Per Household Annual Income
3. Aggregate Annual Disposable Income (2005, 2015e, 2025e)
4. Monthly Per Capita Expenditure - Rural India (Value-Wise: 2011 - 2013)
5. Monthly Per Capita Expenditure - Urban India (Value-Wise: 2011 - 2013)
6. Growth in Total Retail Sales (Value-Wise: 2013, 2017e, 2023e)
7. Real Estate Market Size (Value-Wise: 2013 - 2018e)
8. Number of Credit Cards (2013)
9. Growth in Card Transactions (Value-Wise: 2013-2018e)
10. Growth of Print Media Industry (Value-Wise: 2013 - 2018e)
11. Growth of TV and Radio Industry (Value-Wise: 2013 - 2018e)
12. Indian Population Segmentation (2014e)
13. Electrification Status of Indian Villages (Percentage: Mar 2005, Mar 2011, Aug 2014)
14. Population of India (2010 -2014e)
15. Population Comparison: India vs. China (2014e, 2028e, 2042e)
16. Crude Oil Prices (Nov 2013 - Nov 2014)
17. Rupee Depreciation (Dec 2012 - Dec 2014)
18. Import - Mercury (2010 - 2013)
19. Import - Luminophores (2010 - 2013)

1. Digital Signage Market Growth (Value-Wise: 2010-2014e)

Competitive Landscape
1. Competitive Benchmarking - Key Ratios of 3 Major Public Companies - Operational & Financial Basis (FY2014)

2. Company Profiles (All Companies)
a. Ownership Structure (Private Companies)
b. Financial Snapshot
c. Key Business segments (Public Companies)
d. Key Geographic segments (Public Companies)
Government Initiatives
1. Published LED Standards

Competitive Landscape
1. Competition - Summary
2. Public Trading Comparables 
3. Company profiles
a. Company Information (All Companies)
b. Products and Services (All Companies)
c. Key People (All Companies)
d. Shareholders of the Company (Private Companies)
e. Key Financial Performance Indicators (Public Companies)
f. Key Ratios (All Companies)
g. Business Highlights (All Companies)

1. Appendix
2. Sources of Information