Mobile Advertising Market in India

Mobile Advertising Market in India 2013

Report ID: Netscribes 171 | Number of pages: 70 | Publish Date: Apr 2019 | Category: ICT and Media
Mobile devices such as Smartphones and Tablets are seeing rapid adoption rate not only globally but also in India. With consumers carrying mobile devices along for the majority of the time, it has become the most efficient medium to reach larger number of consumers with advertisements and promotions. Mobile advertising platform and technology allow advertisers to use advance targeting technologies to reach the desired consumers of differential characteristics & criteria. The extensive measurability is further driving the mobile advertising market in India.

The report begins with a ‘Macroeconomic Indicators' section where a generic overview of the economic health of India has been provided with the help of statistical data. The report proceeds with ‘Introduction' section covering ‘Mobile Advertising Overview' where generic idea about mobile advertising are discussed with diagram depicting the basic elements of mobile marketing activities. ‘Mobile Marketing Ecosystem' illuminates the basic flow of the mobile marketing from advertiser to consumers or target audience. ‘Mobile Marketing Value Chain' describes the specific process of mobile ad via the various stages in terms of pictorial representation. It is followed by an elaboration on mobile advertising benefits. The section end with ‘Mobile Marketing Frameworks' briefs about the various types of mobile advertising through the common process of brand awareness & image building, promotional activity and processing & viral promotion.

It is followed by a section on market overview named ‘Mobile Advertising Overview' which elaborates global and Indian market scenario for mobile advertising, with the help of plethora of statistical and information such as mobile advertising spending, region-wise spending of mobile ads, data on mobile ad servings, mobile ad type share and mobile ad type revenue, amongst others.  The section ends with SWOT analysis of Indian mobile ad market. It is followed by ‘Drivers & Challenges' section elaborating the major furtherance and impediments for mobile advertising in India. Both the ‘drivers' and 'challenges' are equally stressed upon to provide clear idea regarding the probable obstacles and rewards in the line of business and help vendors take necessary measures. Next the prominent trends in the market are captured under ‘Market Trends' section, accompanied by recent developments associated with the trends and key takeaways for each of them. ‘Market Opportunities' section highlights the various verticals that stand to be benefited greatly when using mobile advertising media & formats. Each of these sectors is detailed with their market size and growth along with role of mobile advertising in the sectors. It also elaborates on government initiative which can fuel the growth in mobile ad market furthermore. Various opportunity areas are covered as well in this section, illuminating specific services or aspects of mobile ads.

In the ‘Competitive Landscape' section, the key mobile advertising companies are profiled. The section begins with a Porter's Five Forces analysis for Indian mobile ad market. It also consists of ‘Competitive Benchmarking' where key ratios of top 3 companies are compared extensively. The section further continues with company profiles, comprising information such as corporate and business highlights covering operational & recent information regarding each company's contact information, location, key product and service offerings and key contacts for each of the players. It also provides financial performance for a period of time including revenue and profit, key ratios, financial summary and key financial performance indicators. Key business segment and key geographic segment for each player are provided as well to provide further clear idea regarding the companies. The section also features SWOT analysis for each of the players profiled.

It is followed by ‘Case Studies' section which presents relevant cases on mobile advertising campaigns in India with objective, technology used, outcome & details regarding measurement techniques. The objective of the section is to give a basic idea about the possible outcome that can be achieved using mobile advertising campaign. It concludes with some mobile advertising examples which are accompanied by snapshots of the mobile ads as seen on mobile devices with brief information regarding the campaign. The report concludes with the section ‘Strategic Recommendation' which is derived after a comprehensive analysis of the market state and scope. It suggests key strategic moves which can help enhance and accelerate adoption of mobile advertising in India.
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Slide 1: Executive Summary

Macroeconomic Indicators
Slide 2: GDP at Factor Cost: Quarterly (2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13), Inflation Rate: Monthly (Jul-Dec 2012)
Slide 3: Gross Fiscal Deficit: Monthly (Sep 2012 - Feb 2013), Exchange Rate: Half Yearly (Aug 2012- Jan 2013)
Slide 4: Lending Rate: Annual (2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12), Trade Balance: Annual (2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13), FDI Annual (2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13)

Slide 5: Mobile Advertising (Ad) Overview, Mobile Marketing Activities
Slide 6: Mobile Marketing Ecosystem
Slide 7: Mobile Marketing Value Chain
Slide 8: Mobile Advertising Benefits
Slide 9: Mobile Advertising Frameworks

Market Overview 
Slide 10: Market Overview - Global
Slide 11: Global Mobile Ad Spending (2012)
Slide 12: Region-wise Spending of Mobile Ads - Global (2012)
Slide 13: Global Mobile Ad Servings
Slide 14: Advertising in India - Market Scenario (2012)
Slide 15: Mobile Ad Market in India
Slide 16: Mobile Ad Servings in India
Slide 17-19: Mobile Advertisement Formats
Slide 20: Evolution of Mobile Ad conversions - India (2010 & 2011)
Slide 21: SWOT Analysis of Mobile Ad Market in India

Drivers & Challenges 
Slide 22: Drivers and Challenges Summary
Slide 23-26: Drivers
Slide 27: Challenges

Market Trends
Slide 28-30: Market Trends

Market Opportunities
Slide 31-34: Market Opportunity - By Verticals
Slide 35: Government Initiative for Location-based Services in India
Slide 36-37: Market Opportunity - By Areas
Slide 38: Other Opportunity Areas

Competitive Landscape
Slide 39: Porter's Five Forces Analysis
Slide 40-43: Competitive Benchmarking
Slide 44: Major Public Companies - Summary
Slide 45-64: Major Public Companies
Slide 65-114: Major Private Companies

Case Studies
Slide 114-116: Case Studies
Slide 117-121: Mobile Ad Examples

Strategic Recommendation
Slide 122-123: Strategic Recommendations

Slide 124: Appendix
Slide 125: Sources of Information
Macroeconomic Indicators

1. GDP at Factor Cost: Quarterly (Q1-Q4, 2010-2013)
2. Inflation Rate: Monthly (Jul 2012 - Dec 2012)
3. Gross Fiscal Deficit: Monthly (Sep 2012- Feb 2013)
4. Exchange Rate: Half Yearly (Aug 2012 - Jan 2013)
5. Lending Rate: Annual (2009-2012)
6. Trade Balance: Annual (2010-2013)
7. FDI: Annual (2010-2013)

Market Overview

1. Mobile Advertising Spending - Global (2012)
2. Mobile Advertising Spending - Display - Global (2012)
3. Mobile Advertising Spending - Search - Global (2012)
4. Mobile Advertising Spending - Messaging - Global (2012)
5. Region-wise Spending of Mobile Ads - Global (2012)
6. Mobile Ad Market India - Ad Spending (2011-2016e)
7. Mobile Ad Type Share Split (2012)
8. Mobile Ad Type Revenue Split (2012)
9. Mobile Ad Servings in India - Demographics - Age Distribution (2012)
10. Mobile Ad Servings in India - Demographics - Gender Split (2012)

Drivers & Challenges
1. Wireless Subscriber Base India (2010-2015e)
2. Smartphone - Market Size (Shipment) (2011 - 2015e)
3. Market Growth - Subscriber Base of 3G Services (2012 - 2015e)

Competitive Landscape
1. Public Trading Comparables (FY 2012)
2. Competitive Benchmarking - Key Ratios of Top 3 Companies - Operational Basis (FY 2012)
3. Competitive Benchmarking - Key Ratios of Top 3 Companies - Financial Basis (FY 2012)
4. Company profiles (All Companies)
a. Bubble Chart (Except Private Companies)
b. Financial Snapshot
c. Key Business segments (Public Companies)
d. Key Geographic segments (Public Companies)
Market Overview
1. Global Ad Spending Growth (2011-2016e)
2. Global Mobile Ad Servings (Nov 2012)
3. Evaluation Mobile Ad Conversions India (2010 & 2011)

Drivers and Challenges
1. Active 3G User (Mar 2012)

Market Opportunities
1. Accuracy Mandate in Percentage (2013, 2014, 2015)

Competitive Landscape
1. Company profiles (All Companies)
a. Company Information (All Companies)
b. Products and Services (All Companies)
c. Key People (All Companies)
d. Shareholders of the Company (Only Private Companies)
e. Key Ratios (Except Avishkar International Pvt. Ltd., Karl Storz Endoscopy India Pvt. Ltd., Richard Wolf India Pvt. Ltd.)
f. Business Highlights (All Companies)

1. Appendix
2. Sources of Information