Bearings Market in India

Bearings Market in India 2013

Report ID: Netscribes 163 | Number of pages: 70 | Publish Date: Apr 2019 | Category: Heavy Industry
The Bearings Market in India is part of  Manufacturing Series reports. Infrastructure expansion coupled with industrial growth will have a favorable impact on the Indian bearings market.
The report begins with an overview of the major macro economic indicators which highlights the present economic scenario prevalent in India.
It is followed by an introduction section provides a classification of the Indian bearings market. It also includes a snapshot of the different categories of bearings that find an extensive application in the Indian market. 
The market overview section begins with an overview of the market structure of the Indian bearings market. This section provides a brief snapshot of the Indian bearings industry. It also contains a brief description of the after market supply chain of the Indian bearings market.  
The next section provides a brief description of the bearing manufacturing process including the major operations used in bearings production.
The report then focuses on the major production hubs for bearings and the hubs for manufacturing bearings components in India 
It also provides detailed information about the exports and imports of bearings in India in terms of value. 
Factors driving the growth of bearings market in India are also explained in detail. Growing demand for automobiles and auto components are one the major factors influencing the growth of the bearings market. Increased investment in wind turbines in India provides a major opportunity for market growth. Robust construction & mining equipment market has also facilitated further development of the market. Expanding railway sector boosts the demand for bearings in the market. Healthy economic outlook also stimulates the growth of the Indian bearings industry.
The players operating in the market also face challenges which are hampering their development and growth. Counterfeit products pose a major hindrance in market growth. Stiff competition prevalent in the market also presents a major challenge for market growth. Rising steel prices act as a major bottleneck in the development of the Indian bearings industry. 
Trends section in the report emphasizes the recent trends that are prevalent in the Indian bearings market and include the global collaboration, changing customer preferences and focus on technology development.
The competition section begins with the Porter's Five Forces Analysis, illustrating the competitive rivalry, bargaining power of suppliers and buyers and threat of new entrants and substitutes. It outlays the competitive landscape of the bearings market in India briefing about the domestic players existing in the market. The section includes competitive benchmarking of the top players operating in the Indian bearings market. The report also features brief profiles of major domestic and foreign players in the market and a snapshot of their corporation, financial performance along with the key financial ratios, business highlights, their product portfolio and SWOT analysis, thus providing an insight into the existing competitive scenario.
The report concludes with a section on strategic recommendations which comprises an analysis of the growth strategies of the bearings market in India.
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Slide 1: Executive Summary

Macro Economic Indicators
Slide 2: GDP at Factor Cost: Quarterly (2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13), Inflation Rate: Monthly (Jul-Dec 2012)
Slide 3: Gross Fiscal Deficit: Monthly (Sep 2012 - Feb 2013), Exchange Rate: Half Yearly (Aug 2012- Jan 2013)
Slide 4: Lending Rate: Annual (2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12), Trade Balance: Annual (2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13), FDI Annual (2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13)

Slide 5: Classification - Bearings Market
Slide 6: Bearings - Major Categories
Market Overview 
Slide 7: Bearing Market Structure
Slide 8 -9: Bearings Market India - Overview, Market Size & Growth (2011, 2012, 2013e, 2014e, 2015e, 2016e), Bearing Market Structure (2011), After Market Demand Share (2012), Aftermarket - Counterfeit Share (2011)
Slide 10: After Market Supply Chain - Demand Side

Bearings Manufacturing Process
Slide 11: Bearing Production Chain
Slide 12: Bearing Production - Major Operations

Bearing Hubs
Slide 13: Bearings Industry - Production Hub
Slide 14: Bearings Components Hub

Export- Import
Slide 15: Exports - Ball or Roller Bearings - Total Exports (2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12), Country wise Exports (2011-12)
Slide 16: Imports - Ball or Roller Bearings - Total Imports (2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12), Country wise Imports (2011-12)

Drivers & Challenges 
Slide 17: Drivers & Challenges - Summary
Slide 18-23: Drivers
Slide 24-26: Challenges

Slide 27: Summary
Slide 28-30: Trends

Competitive Landscape
Slide 31: Porter's Five Forces Analysis
Slide 32-36: Competitive Benchmarking
Slide 37-80: Major Public Players

Strategic Recommendation
Slide 81: Strategic Recommendations

Slide 82: Appendix
Slide 83: Sources of Information
Macro Economic Indicators

1. GDP at Factor Cost: Quarterly (2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12,2012-13)
2. Inflation Rate: Monthly (Jul-Aug 2012, Aug-Sep 2012, Sep-Oct 2012, Oct-Nov 2012, Nov-Dec 2012)
3. Gross Fiscal Deficit: Monthly (Sep 2012, Oct 2012, Nov 2012, Dec 2012, Jan 2013, Feb 2013)
4. Exchange Rate: Half Yearly (Aug 2012, Sep 2012, Oct 2012, Nov 2012, Dec 2012, Jan 2013)
5. Lending Rate: Annual (2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12)
6. Trade Balance: Annual (2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13)
7. FDI: Annual (2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13)

Market Overview

1. Market Size & Growth (2011,2012, 2013e, 2014e, 2015e, 2016e)
2. Bearing Market Structure (2011)
3. After Market Demand Share (2012)
4. Aftermarket - Counterfeit Share (2011)

Export Import
1. Total Exports (2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12)
2. Country wise Exports (2011-12)
3. Total Imports (2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12)
4. Country wise Imports (2011-12)

Drivers & Challenges
1. Growing Demand for Automobiles (2010, 2011, 2012, 2016e, 2021e)
2. Automotive - Share of Bearings Demand (2012)
3. Wind Power Installed Capacity (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013e, 2014e, 2015e, 2016e)
4. Wind Turbines - Share of Bearings Demand (2012)
5. Construction & Mining Equipment Market (2011,2017e)
6. Mining Equipment - Share of Bearings Demand (2012)
7. Indian Railway Budget Allocation (11th FYP, 12th FYP)
8. Railways - Share of Bearings Demand (2012)
9. Production of Castings - Top Nations (2011)
10. Production of Castings - India (2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12)
11. GDP Growth Trend (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013e)
12. Chennai - Steel Price Hike (2010,2012)
13. Kolkata - Price Hike (2010, 2012)

Competitive Landscape
1. Competitive Benchmarking - Key Ratios of Top 3 Companies - Operational Basis (FY 2011)
2. Competitive Benchmarking - Key Ratios of Top 3 Companies - Financial Basis (FY 2011)
3. Company profiles (All Public Companies)
a. Financial Snapshot 
b. Key Business segments (Public Companies)
c. Key Geographic segments (Public Companies)

1. Bearings - Major Categories
Market Overview
1. Bearing Production - Major Operations ( Heat Treatment, Grinding)
1. Global Collaboration

1. Public Trading Comparables (FY 2011)
2. Company profiles (All Companies)
a. Company Information (All Companies)
b. Products and Services (All Companies)
c. Key People (All Companies)
Except: NSK Limited
d. Key Financial Performance Indicators (Public Company)
e. Key Ratios (All Companies)
f. Business Highlights (All Companies)

1. Appendix
2. Sources of Information