Gems and Jewelry Market in India

Gems and Jewelry Market in India 2013

Report ID: Netscribes 181 | Number of pages: 70 | Publish Date: Apr 2019 | Category: Consumer Goods
 latest market research report titled Gems and Jewelry Market in India 2013 mentions that the players operating in the gems and jewelry market will benefit from the high demand being witnessed for their products. The sector is one of the leading foreign exchange earners for the country. A number of reasons has aided growth in this sector; the most important being the love that Indians have for jewelry, especially gold. However, Indians are increasingly willing to spend on other forms of jewelry such as diamonds and gemstones studded in gold or precious white metals such as platinum. This trend will help in the development of the overall jewelry market and the country may not just remain one of the largest processors of rough diamonds, but may start consuming a lot of the finished, polished diamonds as well.
Although there are several industry bodies working for the development of the market, the high imports of gold into the country has resulted in several attempts by the government to restrict imports as well as reduce the consumption of gold. This is largely in order to correct the unfavorable current account deficit that the country is facing. Also, the beneficiation program in Africa acts as a threat to diamond processors in India. However, despite these challenges, the market is expected to continue to develop. Moreover, mandatory hallmarking of jewelry has ensured that the market will continue to grow steadily over the next few years.
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Slide 1: Executive Summary

Macroeconomic Indicators
Slide 2: GDP at Factor Cost: Quarterly (2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13), Inflation Rate: Monthly (Nov 2012 - Apr 2013)
Slide 3: Gross Fiscal Deficit: Monthly (Sep 2011-Feb 2012), Exchange Rate: Monthly (Dec 2012 - May 2013)
Slide 4: Lending Rate: Annual (2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13), Trade Balance: Annual, FDI: Annual (2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13)

Slide 5: Gems and Jewelry - Segments Overview
Slide 6-7: Gems and Jewelry - Segments Description

Value Chain
Slide 8: Gems and Jewelry - Value Chain
Slide 9: Pockets of Jewelry Manufacturing in India

Market Overview
Slide 10: Gems & Jewelry - Market Overview, Market Size & Growth (Value-Wise; 2012 - 2017e)
Slide 11: Jewelry Market - Segments Overview, Market Segmentation (Value-Wise; 2012, 2017e)
Slide 12: Gold - Market Overview, Market Size & Growth of Gold for Jewelry (Volume-Wise; 2012 - 2017e), Market Size & Growth of Gold for Investment (Volume-Wise; 2012 - 2017e)
Slide 13: Diamond-Studded Jewelry - Market Overview, Market Size & Growth (Value-Wise; 2012 - 2017e)
Slide 14: Colored Gemstones - Market Overview, Market Size & Growth (Value-Wise; 2012 - 2017e)

Slide 15: Gems and Jewelry - Export-Import Overview
Slide 16-31: Export of Gems and Jewelry - Overview, Size (Value-Wise; 2009-10 - 2012-13), Region-Wise (Value-Wise; 2012-13), Import of Gems and Jewelry - Overview, Size (Value-Wise; 2009-10 - 2012-13), Region-Wise (Value-Wise; 2012-13)

Drivers & Challenges
Slide 32: Drivers and Challenges - Summary
Slide 33-38: Drivers
Slide 39-42: Challenges

Slide 43: Key Trends - Summary
Slide 44-51: Major Trends in the Market

Industry Bodies and Associations
Slide 52-57: Major Industry Bodies - Overview, Objectives and Roles & Responsibilities

Government Policies and Initiatives
Slide 58: Government Policies and Initiatives - Summary
Slide 59-66: Major Policies and Initiatives Impacting the Sector

Competitive Landscape
Slide 67: Porter's Five Forces Analysis
Slide 68-72: Competitive Benchmarking 
Slide 73-156: Major Companies

Strategic Recommendation
Slide 157-158: Key Recommendations

Slide 159-164: HS Code Description
Slide 165: Key Ratios Description
Slide 166: Sources of Information
Macro Economic Indicators
1. GDP at Factor Cost: Quarterly (2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13)
2. Inflation Rate: Monthly (Nov-Dec 2012 - Mar-Apr 2013)
3. Gross Fiscal Deficit: Monthly (Sep 2011 - Feb 2012)
4. Exchange Rate: Monthly (Dec 2012 - May 2013)
5. Lending Rate: Annual (2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13)
6. Trade Balance: Annual (2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13)
7. FDI Annual (2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13)

Market Overview
1. Gems and Jewelry - Market Size & Growth (Value-Wise; 2012 - 2017e)
2. Jewelry Market - Segmentation (Value-Wise; 2012, 2017e)
3. Gold for Jewelry - Market Size & Growth (Volume-Wise; 2012 - 2017e)
4. Gold for Investment - Market Size & Growth (Volume-Wise; 2012 - 2017e)
5. Diamond-Studded Jewelry - Market Size & Growth (Value-Wise; 2012 - 2017e)
6. Colored Gemstones - Market Size & Growth (Value-Wise; 2012 - 2017e)

1. Export of Gems and Jewelry - For 16 HS Code Categories (Value-Wise: 2009-10 - 2012-13)
2. Import of Gems and Jewelry - For 16 HS Code Categories (Value-Wise: 2009-10 - 2012-13)
3. Region Wise Exports - For 16 HS Code Categories (Value-Wise; 2012-13)
4. Region Wise Imports - For 16 HS Code Categories (Value-Wise; 2012-13)

Drivers & Challenges
1. Growing Middle Class Population (2010, 2015e, 2025e)
2. Share of Household Spending (2005, 2015e, 2025e)
3. Cost of Cutting and Polishing Diamonds in Different Countries
4. Historical Gold Prices in India (2000 - 2013)

1. Growth Rate of Jewelry Retail

Competitive Landscape
1. Competitive Benchmarking - Key Ratios of 5 Major Companies - Operational & Financial Basis (2012-2013)
2. Company profiles (All Companies)
a. Financial Snapshot 
b. Key Business segments
c. Key Geographic segments
1. Pockets of Jewelry Manufacturing in India

Drivers & Challenges
1. Technology Used in Gems and Jewelry Sector
2. Special Economic Zones in India for Gems and Jewelry Sector
3. Gems and Jewelry Training Centers in India

1. Advertising Trends in Gems and Jewelry Sector
2. Activities Undertaken by Companies to Offer Affordable Jewelry
3. Gems and Jewelry Exhibitions and Shows in India
4. PE Investments in the Gems and Jewelry Sector

Government Policies and Initiatives
1. IS Codes for Gold
2. BIS Codes for Purity of Gold

Competitive Landscape
1. Public Trading Comparables (FY 2013)
2. Company Profiles (All Companies)
a. Company Information (All Companies)
b. Products and Services (All Companies)
c. Key People (All Companies)
a. Key Financial Performance Indicators (All Companies)
b. Key Ratios (All Companies)
d. Business Highlights (All Companies)

1. HS Code Description
2. Key Ratios Description
3. Sources of Information