Spider silk is among the strongest known biomaterials. It is the silk used for the framework of the web and it is used to catch the spider if it falls. As such, it is stronger and much more flexible than KEVLAR . Due to its incredible mechanical properties, spider silk is being considered for use as a new biomaterial for drug delivery and tendon and ligament replacement/repair, as well as athletic gear, military applications, airbags, and tire cords. However, spiders cannot be farmed for their silk as they are cannibalistic and territorial. The most reasonable alternative for producing spider silk fibers is to utilize genetic engineering to produce the proteins in a foreign host and then spin fibers from the synthetic protein.
The global Synthetic Spider Silk market will reach xxx Million USD in 2019 with CAGR xx% 2019-2025. The main contents of the report including:
Global market size and forecast
Regional market size, production data and export & import
Key manufacturers profile, products & services, sales data of business
Global market size by Major Application
Global market size by Major Type
Key manufacturers are included based on company profile, sales data and product specifications etc.:
Bolt Threads
Kraig Biocraft Laboratories
Major applications as follows:
Health Care
Major Type as follows:
Genetically Modified Yeast Fermentation
Genetically Modified Silkworm
Genetically Modified E. Coli Fermentation
Regional market size, production data and export & import:
North America
South America
Middle East & Africa
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Table of Contents
1 Global Market Overview
1.1 Scope of Statistics
1.1.1 Scope of Products
1.1.2 Scope of Manufacturers
1.1.3 Scope of Application
1.1.4 Scope of Type
1.1.5 Scope of Regions/Countries
1.2 Global Market Size
2 Regional Market
2.1 Regional Production
2.2 Regional Demand
2.3 Regional Trade
3 Key Manufacturers
3.1 Bolt Threads
3.1.1 Company Information
3.1.2 Product & Services
3.1.3 Business Data (Capacity, Sales Revenue, Volume, Price, Cost and Margin)
3.1.4 Recent Development
3.2 Kraig Biocraft Laboratories
3.2.1 Company Information
3.2.2 Product & Services
3.2.3 Business Data (Capacity, Sales Revenue, Volume, Price, Cost and Margin)
3.2.4 Recent Development
3.3 Spiber
3.3.1 Company Information
3.3.2 Product & Services
3.3.3 Business Data (Capacity, Sales Revenue, Volume, Price, Cost and Margin)
3.4 AMSilk
3.4.1 Company Information
3.4.2 Product & Services
3.4.3 Business Data (Capacity, Sales Revenue, Volume, Price, Cost and Margin)
4 Major Application
4.1 Automobile
4.1.1 Overview
4.1.2 Automobile Market Size and Forecast
4.2 Textile
4.2.1 Overview
4.2.2 Textile Market Size and Forecast
4.3 Health Care
4.3.1 Overview
4.3.2 Health Care Market Size and Forecast
4.4 Military
4.4.1 Overview
4.4.2 Military Market Size and Forecast
4.5 Others
4.5.1 Overview
4.5.2 Others Market Size and Forecast
5 Market by Type
5.By Genetically Modified Yeast Fermentation
5.1 Genetically Modified Yeast Fermentation
5.1.1 Overview
5.1.2 Genetically Modified Yeast Fermentation Market Size and Forecast
5.2 Genetically Modified Silkworm
5.2.1 Overview
5.2.2 Genetically Modified Silkworm Market Size and Forecast
5.3 Genetically Modified E. Coli Fermentation
5.3.1 Overview
5.3.2 Genetically Modified E. Coli Fermentation Market Size and Forecast
6 Price Overview
6.1 Price by Manufacturers
6.2 Price by Application
6.3 Price by Type
7 Conclusion
Tab Regional Production 2013-2018 (Million USD)
Tab Regional Production 2013-2018 (Volume)
Tab Regional Demand and CAGR 2013-2018 (Million USD)
Tab Regional Demand and CAGR 2013-2018 (Volume)
Tab Regional Demand Forecast and CAGR 2019-2025 (Million USD)
Tab Regional Demand Forecast and CAGR 2019-2025 (Volume)
Tab Regional Export 2013-2018 (Million USD)
Tab Regional Export 2013-2018 (Volume)
Tab Regional Import 2013-2018 (Million USD)
Tab Regional Import 2013-2018 (Volume)
Tab Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost and Margin of Bolt Threads
Tab Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost and Margin of Kraig Biocraft Laboratories
Tab Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost and Margin of Spiber
Tab Sales Revenue, Sales Volume, Price, Cost and Margin of AMSilk
Fig Global Synthetic Spider Silk Market Size and CAGR 2013-2018 (Million USD)
Fig Global Synthetic Spider Silk Market Size and CAGR 2013-2018 (Volume)
Fig Global Synthetic Spider Silk Market Forecast and CAGR 2019-2025 (Million USD)
Fig Global Synthetic Spider Silk Market Forecast and CAGR 2019-2025 (Volume)
Fig Automobile Market Size and CAGR 2013-2018 (Million USD)
Fig Automobile Market Size and CAGR 2013-2018 (Volume)
Fig Automobile Market Forecast and CAGR 2019-2025 (Million USD)
Fig Automobile Market Forecast and CAGR 2019-2025 (Volume)
Fig Textile Market Size and CAGR 2013-2018 (Million USD)
Fig Textile Market Size and CAGR 2013-2018 (Volume)
Fig Textile Market Forecast and CAGR 2019-2025 (Million USD)
Fig Textile Market Forecast and CAGR 2019-2025 (Volume)
Fig Health Care Market Size and CAGR 2013-2018 (Million USD)
Fig Health Care Market Size and CAGR 2013-2018 (Volume)
Fig Health Care Market Forecast and CAGR 2019-2025 (Million USD)
Fig Health Care Market Forecast and CAGR 2019-2025 (Volume)
Fig Military Market Size and CAGR 2013-2018 (Million USD)
Fig Military Market Size and CAGR 2013-2018 (Volume)
Fig Military Market Forecast and CAGR 2019-2025 (Million USD)
Fig Military Market Forecast and CAGR 2019-2025 (Volume)
Fig Others Market Size and CAGR 2013-2018 (Million USD)
Fig Others Market Size and CAGR 2013-2018 (Volume)
Fig Others Market Forecast and CAGR 2019-2025 (Million USD)
Fig Others Market Forecast and CAGR 2019-2025 (Volume)
Fig Genetically Modified Yeast Fermentation Market Size and CAGR 2013-2018 (Million USD)
Fig Genetically Modified Yeast Fermentation Market Size and CAGR 2013-2018 (Volume)
Fig Genetically Modified Yeast Fermentation Market Forecast and CAGR 2019-2025 (Million USD)
Fig Genetically Modified Yeast Fermentation Market Forecast and CAGR 2019-2025 (Volume)
Fig Genetically Modified Silkworm Market Size and CAGR 2013-2018 (Million USD)
Fig Genetically Modified Silkworm Market Size and CAGR 2013-2018 (Volume)
Fig Genetically Modified Silkworm Market Forecast and CAGR 2019-2025 (Million USD)
Fig Genetically Modified Silkworm Market Forecast and CAGR 2019-2025 (Volume)
Fig Genetically Modified E. Coli Fermentation Market Size and CAGR 2013-2018 (Million USD)
Fig Genetically Modified E. Coli Fermentation Market Size and CAGR 2013-2018 (Volume)
Fig Genetically Modified E. Coli Fermentation Market Forecast and CAGR 2019-2025 (Million USD)
Fig Genetically Modified E. Coli Fermentation Market Forecast and CAGR 2019-2025 (Volume)